About W&C's Owners / Operators
Keith Campbell, Mark Schmitz, and Tony Aspengren are the owners and operators of W&C Aircraft Works.
Keith is a pilot and accomplished experimental aircraft builder. After building a KR, he built and flew three award winning Van's Aircraft RVs. Keith's extensive experience also includes work on a Zodiacs, Skybolts, a variety of experimental Cubs, Aeroncas, Titan T-51, and many other aircraft. The first flight of his most recent personal project, a Fisher Flying Products FP202, was Christmas Day 2021.
Mark is a pilot and experimental aircraft builder. In addition to being privileged to fly friend's aircraft including an RV-7A, RV-4, and RV-9A, Mark built and owns an RV-8 and an AcroSport II.
Tony is a military veteran with over 25 years experience as an avionics technician. He started as a contractor with W&C in 2005 wiring and installing the panel in an RV-9. Since then he's worked on nearly all Van's models and a variety of other experimental aircraft.
About W&C's Creation
In 2002, Bob Woolery, Keith Campbell, and Kevin Horn combined their many years of experience to offer facilities, builder assistance, and other services for experimental aircraft builders. Mark Schmitz was one of W&C's first customers and hung around until Bob, Keith, and Kevin made him a member.